7 Esoteric Reasons for Humanity's Problems

Extract from full article...

To give you a heads up, here a few of the deeper real reasons for why humanity currently finds itself in so much trouble. These reasons and topics are explored in greater detail in Part Two of the Bigger Picture series.

1. The Journey of Evolution and Involution (aka Evolution / Devolution)

This refers to the descent from Spirit into Matter and back again. As we move from Spirit into Matter, we become more 'materialistic'. When we reach the extremes of materialism, we are operating from greed, selfishness and separateness, and this leads to harming others and nature. This is clear to see in our world right now. 

2. The Astrological Shift from Pisces to Aquarius

This refers to the natural astrological shifts which occur every few thousand years, and bring with them different defining energies which influence humanity on every level (physical, mental, emotional, energetic) and which cause upheaval during the transition from one age to the next...

3. The Rayalogical Shift from the 6th to 7th Ray

This refers to great sources of energy which emanate from beyond our solar system and colour every aspect of life, including humans and nature. As we transition from one ray to another, there is much upheaval in the world...

4. The Hidden History of Humanity

Most people in western 'civilization' have been told that humans have been around for 6,000 years. Newer research is saying we have been around for many more thousands of years than this. But what if humanity has been on earth for millions of years? The true history of humanity will blow your mind...

5. The Approaching Collective 'First Initation' of Humanity

This refers to the journey of evolution of human consciousness and how we evolve through continual 'expansions of consciousness' in an upward spiral to higher and higher levels of self-realization and wisdom. All expansions of consciousness are preceded by crisis, whether individual or collective...

6. The Move from the Solar Plexus to Heart for Humanity

This refers to the current shifting from being polarized in the animal aspect of our being (solar plexus) to our higher nature (the heart) which brings with it many challenges as we strive to overcome our animal instincts...

7. The Journey through the 5 Kingdoms of Nature to the Kingdom of Souls

This refers to humanity's journey from 'the kingdom of humanity' to the 'kingdom of Souls' and beyond into Spirit, and even beyond that, because our evolutionary journey is infinite. In order to progress into Soul consciousness, the personality (mind, emotions, body, etheric system) must be purified and uplevelled...

This is an excerpt from a longer article 'The Overview Effect: 7 Reasons for Humanity's Problems' - to read the full blog, go here.


Feedback from the 'Bigger Picture' series:

"I am delighted to have signed up for "The Bigger Picture" - it's exactly what I needed to make sense of it all, and also to make more Spiritual progress".

"I want to share how much I'm enjoying this series"

"It's full and rich with highly informative information and Kim's 'joining the dots' exercise is just brilliant!"

"Being able to view world events from a bigger perspective has taken me from fear to openness through this deeper understanding.  I can't wait to learn more!"

This morning's presentation was stimulating, so well presented and easy to understand. Thank you Kim, David and all the presenters for sharing your knowledge and giving me this wonderful opportunity to learn about the Bigger Picture”. 


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