
Showing posts with label Jacinda Ardern's Labour Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacinda Ardern's Labour Government. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Barry Soper: The Ardern/Hipkins Government left a lawless, impoverished, struggling country longing for relief

Jacinda Ardern was perplexed after quitting the Prime Minister's job in January- she was asked to write a book, which will probably be worth more to her than her five years as leader.

She was perplexed as she was unsure of what to write about, after all this woman was on record not long before being anointed to become Prime Minister as saying she would never want to do the job. Pity she never made good on her musings.

Someone suggested to her she should write it about leadership and she liked the idea, and that's what we're going to get in the bookstores sometime in the future.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: The Sandringham stabbing reflects badly on the Government


Well, I suspect many of us would’ve had the same reaction when we saw the news alerts on our phones last night.

That a retailer had been stabbed to death in a store. And that was thinking, we knew this was going to happen. Because we did, didn’t we? 

With all those ram raids, daylight robberies, tobacco thefts, we could see this coming. 

I’m not going to lay blame on anyone for this other the person who did it. Because no one put the knife in their hand. They did it, it’s their fault.

But I’m talking about the politics of this.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Labour's 32 percent approval rating should be a shock to no one


That poll out last night should be a shock to no one. 

That’s what happens if you ignore voters and just keep pushing through stuff we don’t want, like Three Waters or farmer’s climate tax.

They deserve to be on 32 percent. I’d put that as the high-water mark frankly.

And yesterday’s announcement is not going to help. It’s supposed to help; it’s supposed to make us like them a whole lot more again.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

A.E. Thompson: More Tricks From the Ardern Government

Ardern leads the most corrupt and dangerous government current generations have seen.  News reports on Friday 28 October informed us that 'an independent panel' had been hand-picked and commissioned 18 months ago by the Minister of Local Government Nanaia Mahuta to make recommendations for future local government, a draft version of which they had now released for consultation. The panel claimed that their final report was to be delivered to the minister in June next year after they consider submissions that will close on 28 February 2023. The draft recommendations just happened to sound like a list of of the Ardern government's wishes and propaganda.  The terms of reference set by Mahuta for the panel ensured that would be the case.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Derek Mackie: Wake up and smell the coffee NZ!

The breakneck speed at which all things woke are being foisted on society by our Left-wing “movers and shakers”, or should that be “spoilers and breakers”, can make even the tightest screwed head spin. 

 Going out to a local cafe is something many of us appreciate and is one of the few public havens where you can enjoy your coffee and cake, untroubled by gender, race or pronouns. An opportunity to exchange views freely with friends or just sit on your own and contemplate the dire state NZ is in. 

 But for how much longer? 
If our current ideological imbeciles secure another parliamentary term this last bastion of public discourse and free speech may fall to the forces of woke conformity, minority worship and pro-Maori propaganda. 
Placing your order could be like learning a new language - Wokespeak! 
This already permeates our public sector, media, academia and corporate companies. In all likelihood, it could soon be coming to a cafe near you, giving your favourite menu a PC makeover! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: Is the glow of NZ as a destination diminishing?


I don’t think the Prime Minister's assurances that New Zealand is a great place to live will have any sway with all the potential overseas workers we could have, who’re choosing to go elsewhere. 

Prime Ministers have to be cheerleaders for their country, it’s part of the job description. 

They also have to be relentlessly positive, as Ardern is, when it’s a country you’ve been governing for five years and its reputation as a great place has, under your government, gone backwards. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: Auckland's going to be a commuter hell for the next few years


It looks like Auckland’s going to be commuter hell for the next few years.

Yesterday, Kiwirail and Auckland transport announced they need to do huge maintenance work to the rail network. They’re shutting down big chunks of the train network on all three lines for the next three years.

The Eastern line, for example, is going to be down for nearly a year next year.

There is no one to blame here, from what I can see at the moment at least. This work needs to be done. It’s as fundamental as piling your house. They’ve got to do it. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: This Govt has done its chips and panic mode isn't going to save them


It’s becoming more apparent every day that this Government is on its way out and I just wonder whether that’s why they’re spiralling now into the realm of the nutty.

The KiwiSaver tax announcement certainly looked like it. And now the embarrassment of axing that within about 5 minutes of announcing it due to such widespread backlash. What a cluster.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: Now the Govt wants to dictate how we take our kids to school


I see the latest attempt by councils to control our lives and get us all out of our cars is to axe the school drop off.

Actually it’s not fair to just lay the blame at the feet of councils; these powers are allegedly going to be given to them by the Minister of Transport Michael Wood.

So it’s more anti-car government ideology creeping into our lives at every turn.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Clive Bibby: Saved by the bell


My guess is that most kiwis watching the magnificent All Black victory at Ellis Park this morning will be so relieved, that any thoughts regarding the coach and captains‘ respective tenures will be put on hold- at least for the moment. 

And maybe, they deserve the opportunity to prove they are both the best men for their jobs. In other words, has this reversal of fortunes signified something more than a stay of execution. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: I'd have thought, at this time of year we'd be doing more to help the health system


The health system crisis is the cost of living crisis all over again isn't it?

Doesn't this have a familiar ring to it?

A government in denial of something existing, which is laid bare for all to see, in broad daylight, in every part of our community, and yet politicians heads are firmly in the sand.

Nothing to see here.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: Air NZ and Auckland Airport are not up to scratch


My brother travels a lot, both for work and to visit family – my nephew's studying in the US. So he’s made about three trips during the pandemic, done MIQ twice, and since MIQ was dropped he’s made about three more trips, he left again on another one yesterday. Given I’m not flying anywhere I always appreciate the update on his experiences. 

Yesterday, he sends me a text from the airport, he’s mad. Mad because all the stuff he’s moaned about on all his previous trips are still not fixed or addressed, in fact he reckons it’s the worst it’s ever been. How’s that possible? Given we keep hearing from Auckland airport that they’re stepping up their game, given we keep hearing from Air NZ that they’re looking to streamline services, given we keep hearing from the Government that they want to make it smoother for people to travel. Newsflash – it’s still not any of those things. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: The Government seems to have gone soft on slashing migration


The Government has finally announced its long-awaited immigration reset in the last 3 hours. 

So, here’s a first take on what it looks like: 

Depending on what industry you’re in and what job you're trying to fill you are either stoked or gutted with today’s announcement. 

Because that is really the theme here: picking winners. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Kate Hawkesby: It's a rare day, but I agree with Winston Peters


It’s a rare day I find myself agreeing with Winston Peters, in fact I’d go so far as to say it’s never happened. But given the circumstances of yesterday, I’d have to agree with Winnie; Trevor Mallard has lost the plot. 

I mean I have actually used those exact words about Trevor Mallard before. When he spent half a million taxpayer dollars on a playground slide at Parliament, when he played the protestors the Macarena and set sprinklers in them, when he made false rape allegations and then used taxpayer money to fund his legal defence.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: A wealth tax from Labour is definitely on the cards


No surprise. We weren’t imagining it last week. 

A wealth tax from Labour is definitely on the cards. 

We now know this because the Prime Minister was given plenty of opportunity to rule it out this morning but refused to. 

Do you need any more proof? 

You’ve got David Parker dedicating $5m to investigating how much tax the wealthy pay in New Zealand. You’ve got him giving a speech on it last week. You’ve got him refusing to rule out a wealth tax at the next election, only saying he has no plans to introduce it this term. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Heather du Plessis-Allan: The Government's MIQ story is falling apart


The news out this afternoon is that the Grounded Kiwis group has won its court battle against the Government over MIQ. 

The thing to take away from this is that the Government’s MIQ story is falling apart. 

It’s getting harder and harder to believe that MIQ was the right thing or the best thing for Kiwis. 

The High Court today hasn’t ruled that MIQ itself was unfair. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

John Porter: Jacinda Ardern and New World Order

I have, for quite some time, tried to pin a label on exactly where Jacinda Ardern’s ideology lies.

It is not an easy thing to do. Ardern has, variously, described herself as a social democrat, a progressive, a republican and a feminist.

When asked by reporters to comment on the 2021 Budget, Ardern stated: "I have always described myself as a Democratic Socialist.”

Democratic Socialist. Isn’t that a bit of a contradiction and maybe even an oxymoron?

Friday, April 8, 2022

Guy Steward: The Dangers of Misinformation and Disinformation

How precious of the mainstream news media to lecture us about the dangers of disinformation and misinformation when their whole modus operandi is along exactly those lines.

I remember when reading the daily newspaper was a pleasure and I’d look forward to it in work breaks, often getting something of interest and keeping articles to read later or do further research on. Over the years the time spent became less and less until in the last six years it went from fifteen minutes to five, then a quick flick through, then a glance at the first page headlines, now barely that. It was both the content and the literary quality that seemed, to me at least, to decrease over time until it just discredited itself or provoked a cringe.

NZCPR Newsletter: Labour's Deepening Dependency Trap

Last week’s benefit increases delivered on promises made by Labour’s Finance Minister Grant Robertson in the 2021 Budget.

During his speech to Parliament at the time, he harked back to the past: “This Budget is set against the Budget delivered 30 years ago this year, the so-called ‘Mother of All Budgets'. It was the Budget that finalised the benefit cuts… We will restore dignity and hope for some of the lowest income New Zealanders by righting the wrong of those benefit cuts by boosting main benefit rates by up to $55 per week.”

Former Finance Minister Ruth Richardson had responded to his criticism explaining: “My budget was driven by a desire to lift economic growth and to make employment attractive. Grant Robertson’s budget is overtly driven by politics and the desire to pay off Labour supporters… The tragedy of this approach is that it locks in intergenerational state dependency with benefits becoming more attractive than jobs.”

Monday, February 14, 2022

Mike Hosking: Wider economic mood and performance will bite the Government


So we got a big jump for the minimum wage - $21.20.

The advantage for the Government is most of the people they pay, aren't on the minimum wage.

The burden is carried by the small businesses of this country, the same small businesses that any number of polls tells us were already downbeat about the year ahead. 

And how can you not be?