Thank You!

It means a lot that you have chosen to PRESS PLAY on your life by joining our growing community of amazing souls creating their greatest life and I just know you are going to enjoy these special "Wake Up Happy" Meditation gifts! Firstly, I want to congratulate and thank you for being you, and for being brave enough to welcome greater levels of love, confidence, happiness, success and magnetic abundance into your life. 

Now FYI I have just sent you an email with all the info you need to receive access to even more amazing freebies and weekly musings and inspirations. A quick favour though... please make sure you CONIFRM access as this let your computer know we are now very special friends and ensure you receive all your VEP (Very EXTRAordinary Peep) access to all the goodies. Heres to creating your greatest life together, from the inside, out. Immense Love, Kyla

Press Play Below For Your Wake Up Happy Meditation Gifts

Start Your Day Happy with Love

Fill you day with self love, success and magnetic abundance by starting you day with deep breathing & energy alignment.

End Your Day Happy With Love

Let go of your day, as you prepare yourself to relax into sleep and fill up with lots of love, gratitude and calming energies. 

Fill Your Day With More Happy

Reduce stress, calm the mind and awaken more love anytime, anywhere with this wonderful soul journey visualisation. 

Tips for your meditations:

  • Enjoy these in a space where you will not be disturbed or interrupted.
  • Ensure you are not driving a car
  • At the end of the meditation make sure you are fully grounded by feeling the energy of the earth underneath you, drinking some water and moving your body.
  • As these meditation are designed to change how you feel by shifting your energy allow yourself some quiet time for a few moments afterwards to come back completely and feel totally back in you body. And if you feel physical sensations, mental noise or emotions rising throughout, know this is a magical energy release and simply choose to let it all go.
  • I also recommend enjoying some journaling after each meditation, so that you can record each of your awakenings, learnings and any awareness which arose as you journeyed within.

Downloading Instructions – These audios will arrive via Amazon3 and so you should be able to simply click them on any device and they will play. Alternatively you can right click them to download and save onto your computer for instant access always. 

To download your files to your computer so that you put your meditations on your iPod or computer all you need to do is rightclick with your mouse on the highlighted links, click ‘Save Link As” and then choose where you would like to save the files on your computer. You will need to remember where you saved these so that after they are downloaded you can go into this file at anytime and find the ones that you need.

© 2015 | Kyla Tustin